Swantham Sujatha is a drama serial aired on Malayalam Channel Surya TV and streaming on mxplayer. The Actresses who played the lead roles are Chandra Laxman, Priya Menon, Anu Nair, Sangeetha Sivan, Lalitha Cherthala, Nitha Promy, Swathika, and Sruthi Lakshmi, check out details of the Swantham Sujatha Serial Actress Names.
Surya TV Serial Swantham Sujatha Actress Names
- Chandra Laxman as Sujatha Prakashan
- Priya Menon as Mahilamani Amma
- Anu Nair as Ruby
- Sangeetha Sivan as Lathika
- Lalitha Cherthala s Molly Chechi
- Nitha Promy as Thara
- Swathikaa as Aparna
- Sruthi Lakshmi as Angel
Swantham Sujatha Actresses with Instagram Profiles
Chandra Laxman
Priya Menon
Anu Nair
Sangeetha Sivan
Nitha Promy
Sruthi Laxmi
Wrapping Up
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