Autumn in the City is a Hallmark romance TV Movie scheduled to release on Saturday, October 15, on the Hallmark channel. Starring Evan Roderick, and Aimeé Teegarden. The movie is directed by Michael Robison and written by Joey Elkins and Blake Silver.

Kim Arnott produces autumn in the City. It also stars Laura Soltis, Lucia Walters, Brittany Willacy, Vincent Gale, Kurt Evans, Ingrid Tesch, and Adam Beauchesne.

Autumn in the City follows an Optimistic and hardworking, Piper and her neighbor, Austin. Both began to find the beauty of New York City together.

Autumn in the City Poster
Autumn in the City Poster

Autumn in the City Full Cast List

  • Aimee Teegarden as Piper
  • Evan Roderick as Austin
  • Brittany Willacy as Misty
  • Lucia Walters as Barbara
  • Laura Soltis as Patricia
  • Theresa Wong as Susan
  • Vincent Gale as Alan
  • Kurt Evans as Marshall
  • Ingrid Tesch as Phyllis
  • Adam Beauchesne as Will
  • Shayan Bayat as Toby

Autumn in the City Main Cast

Aimeé Teegarden as Piper

Aimeé Teegarden
Aimeé Teegarden(Source Hallmark Channel)

Aimeé Teegarden is an American actress, born on October 10, 1989. She recently starred as Andie in Hallmark’s drama movie “Heart of the Matter.” She played the role of Elle Shepard, in Joe Hall-directed drama movie “The Road to Galena” alongside Ben Winchell and Will Brittain.

Aimee’s post-production works include Jonathan A. Rosenbaum-directed fantasy romance movie “Christmas Class Reunion.” In this movie, she starred alongside Tanner Novlan, Pete Graham, Andy Thompson, and Maya Ford.

Aimeé Teegarden is known for the role of Julie Taylor, played in the drama series “Friday Night Lights,” from 2006 to 2011, as Ella Benjamin, on ABC’s thriller series “Notorious,” and starred as Emery Whitehill on CW’s Sci-Fi drama series “Star-Crossed,” released in 2014.

Evan Roderick as Austin

Evan Roderick
Evan Roderick(Source Hallmark Channel)

The Canadian actor and former Ice Hockey Player Evan Roderick is born on June 29, 1995, in North Vancouver, Canada. Evan is known for starring in the role of Officer Nick Anastas on CW’s crime action drama series “Arrow,” playing the character of Sam in Neil Webb-directed short “Young/Old/Man,” and as Prince Charming on Louise Deschamps’s directed short drama “Alien Shy.”

His post-production works include the 2022 Christmas movie “A Tale of Two Christmases,” he starred alongside Katherine Barrell, Chandler Massey, Beverley Breuer, Karee Everett, and Marissa Leong.

Recently starred as John in the drama series “V.C. Andrews’ Landry Family,” and as Justin Davis in Netflix Original drama series “Spinning Out.”

Autumn in the City Plot

The official synopsis reads “Optimistic Piper gives herself two months to find her passion in New York City. As she bounces between temp jobs, she and her jaded neighbor discover the beauty of the city together.”

Read: A Splash of Love Cast, Plot, Trailer


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Release Date

Hallmarks Romance Movie “Autumn in the City,’ is set to release on Saturday, October 15 8/7c. Don’t miss watching this movie on Hallmark Channel.

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