Imperfect High Movie Cast: Imperfect High is an American Thriller TV Movie set to release on Lifetime Channel, directed by Siobhan Devine, produced by Tina Pehme and Kim Roberts, starring Nia Sioux and Sherri Sheperd in lead roles.
The movie is all about the teenage abuse and incidences that the teenage girl Hanna Brooks(Nia Sioux) has to face.
Hanna Brooks is a new girl to Lakewood High School. Hanna suffering from an anxiety disorder, move to a new school was very stressful for her. Years before the school already had an incidence of a shocking drug overdose of a popular student.
Later on, she fell into a love triangle between two boys, this relationship made her in a dangerous situation. At this point, her mother does everything to save her.
Let’s get into the details of the film Imperfect High Cast and Crew.
Movie Name | Imperfect High |
Director | Siobhan Devine |
Producers | Tina Pehme and Kim Roberts |
Writer | Anne-Marie Hess |
Stars | Nia Sioux and Sherri Sheperd |
Release Date | September 18, 2021 |
IMDB Rating |
Imperfect High Movie Full Cast:
- Nia Sioux as Hanna Brooks
- Sherri Shepherd as Deborah
- Gabriel Darku as Dylan
- Ali Skovbye as Rose
- Anthony Timpano as Rob
- Samuel Braun as Blake
- Danyelle Tan as Fay
- Deborah Finkel as Nurse O’Connor
- Princess Davis as Marcy
- Matt Kennedy as Ben
- Jamall Johnson as Principal Andrews
- Aiden Howard as Cy