Christmas Movie Magic is a Lifetime Comedy Drama movie scheduled to release on December 2021, as a part of Lifetimes Christmas movie programming event “It’s a Wonderful Lifetime.” The movie stars Holly Deveaux and Drew Seeley as the main cast. The movie also stars Drew Seeley, Jennifer Gibson, Marcia Bennett, Jill Frappier, Kaylee Harwood, Arcade Riley, and Georgia Vaughn.
Christmas Movie Magic follows Alli Blakeman who is an entertainment writer, assigned to cover up the anniversary of classic Christmas movies, unveils the mystery behind the origin of the signature song. She finds that movie magic isn’t always just on-screen.
Lifetime’s Christmas Movie Magic is directed by Robert Vaughn, who is a producer, and assistant director. He served as executive producer for more than 45 TV movies including “High-Rise Rescue(2017),” “The Santa Suit(2010),” “Still Small Voices(2007),” and “Tempo(2003).” Robert Vaughn’s directorial credit includes the recently released TV movie “The Enchanted Christmas Cake,” “High-Rise Rescue,” and “The Santa Suit.”
Produced by Chesler/Perlmutter Productions, Executive producers are Robert Vaughn, Marek Posival, David Perlmutter, Alan J. Mintz, Fariba Jahanbin, Jennifer Gibson, Robin Dunn, Julie Di Cresce, and Lewis Chesler.
Movie Details
Movie Name | Christmas Movie Magic |
Director | Robert Vaughn |
Producers | Robert Vaughn, Marek Posival, David Perlmutter, Alan J. Mintz, Fariba Jahanbin, Jennifer Gibson, Robin Dunn, Julie Di Cresce, and Lewis Chesler |
Writers | Caitlin English, & James S. Blakeman(Story), Megan Hocking, & Rickie Castaneda(Script) |
Cast | Holly Deveaux, & Drew Seeley |
Country of Origin | United States |
Language | English |
Genre | Drama, Comedy |
Release Date | 7 December 2021 |
Original Network | Lifetime |
Christmas Movie Magic Cast
Holly Deveaux
Holly Deveaux is a Canadian actress, born in 1994, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. She starred in her very first lead role in the family channel show “Baxter.” Lifetime audiences can be seen her very recently starring in the TV series, “Supergirl” as Dr. Beatrice Lahr, “Cross Rhodes” as Holly Sutton, and in the romance TV movie “My Boss’ Wedding” as Nicole Waters. Holly Deveaux is known for her characters in the fantasy TV series “Shadowhunters,” action-comedy series “Future Man,” and comedy series “Future Man.”
Drew Seeley
Drew Seeley is a Canadian actor, singer, and songwriter born on 30 April 1982 in Ottawa, Canada. Starting performing at a very early age, the performer Seeley is a part of “Nu Ground” the boy band. Recorded many songs for Walt Disney. His recent acting credits include the romance TV movie “My Boss’ Wedding,” He is best known for the movies “Another Cinderella Story,” “High School Musical,” “Disrupted,” and the TV series “One Tree Hill.”
Actor | Character |
Holly Deveaux | Alli Blakeman |
Alli Blakeman | Brad |
Robin Dunne | Young Walter Andrews |
Marcia Bennett | Diane |
Jennifer Gibson | Stacy |
Arcade Riley | Raymond |
Kaylee Harwood | Lana Murdock |
Jill Frappier | Margaret |
Georgia Vaughn | Chloe |
Christmas Movie Magic Plot
While covering entertainment news, the writer Alli Blakeman(Holly Deveaux), unveils the mystery behind the signature song of a classic Christmas movie from the small town where it was filmed. Alli Blakeman learns that movie magic isn’t always just on-screen.
Coming soon.
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Release Date
Lifetime’s “Christmas Movie Magic” will premiere on Tuesday, December 7 at 8/7c.